A continuing education and support program for Alumni
Tuesday’s Parent is an opportunity to provide Tuesday’s Child Alumni ongoing support, peer engagement, information and resources.
In-Person Alumni Group
Join us for a parenting group workshop as a Tuesday’s Child refresher course which includes a Q&A, discussion and moderated by Tuesday’s Child’s Professional Staff.
Each session is $15 per person.
No food or childcare will be provided. You are welcome to bring a brown bag lunch or dinner to any session.
No food or childcare will be provided. You are welcome to bring a brown bag lunch or dinner to any session.
Online Support Group Network
Register for Tuesday’s Parent Online Support Group Network and interact with peers and share your successes and challenges in a safe, private space.
Click here to register and be added to the waiting list. This opportunity is free!
Once the Online Support Group Network is active Tuesday’s Child will send you an electronic invite to join our private group!
Click here to register and be added to the waiting list. This opportunity is free!
Once the Online Support Group Network is active Tuesday’s Child will send you an electronic invite to join our private group!
Introducing Tuesday’s Parent